You want to apply directly? Find the right offer now.

Education is a priority for us

We greatly value your personal development and individual interests and would like to support you in your ambitions. Because through your professional development you represent a great added value for our team, the entire company and thus the world of tomorrow. With your studies, you are sitting at the source of the current state of knowledge and enrich our knowledge transfer in the long term. This is the only way we can incorporate a wide variety of perspectives into our work and actively shape tomorrow together.

From internships and practical semesters to student research projects and final theses to work-study activities: We are the right partner for you and offer you a wide range of benefits already during your studies.

Internship / Practical semester

Gain on-the-job experience and fulfill your degree requirements.

Study / Final Thesis

We accompany you during the writing of your thesis and are by your side in advisory capacity.

Working student activity

Gain practical experience while you are studying with us.

Your application with us

You can apply to us directly and without detours via our online portal. Have you found the right offer? Perfect, then you are just a few clicks away from your career at Peiner Träger GmbH.

You are a graduate?

Your application

Find your dream job in our job offers and apply to us via our online portal.

Our get to know

In a personal conversation we would like to get to know you better and introduce ourselves to you.

Contract signing

You have made it! We are pleased that you are starting with us and will send you your employment contract.

Welcome to the
Peiner Träger family!

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Salzgitter AG Karriereblog

The Salzgitter Group offers a wide variety of professions and areas of responsibility. Find out what particularly attracts our employees to be part of the company - always up-to-date and 100 % authentic.

Your contact persons

Do you have questions about the application process? The following contact persons will be pleased to take care of your request.

Stephan Lichtinger

Head of Human Rescources

Sonja Enß

HR Business Partner, Administration and Steel Works

Katharina Tarnowski

Vocational Training

Silke Wohlrab

HR Business Partner, Technical Services and Rolling Mills